Difference between `<script>`, `<script async>` and `<script defer>`

Detailed breakdown of the core components of animation, including change rate, elapsed time, and easing functions.

An Update

Still no solid content on this website just yet. I'm almost done tinkering around and getting this site just the way I want it. Here are some updates to this website:

Notable Changes

Switch over from using Contentlayer to Velite

For those not familiar with Contentlayer and Velite, these tools are able to create collections from content (for this site, mdx + yaml files) and do transformations on them. The transformations beneficial for my use case is transforming MDX (markdown with JSX) content into HTML (with mdx-bundler and mdx-js respectively). The most main reason for the switch is because Contentlayer not actively maintained anymore1. The biggest upside to the switch is that defining the schema is less verbose, being able to hook into the build process prior to outputting the files, as well as doing extra validation on the frontmatter. I should write a post about this :thinking:.

Moving Images From Public Folder to Being Bundle

Next.js cannot safely cache assets in the public folder because they may change.

The contents inside the public folder have a cache control with max-age=02. For my blog, this is weird considering each update I do requires a full rebuild and deployment of the website. I initially thought all files would be static in the full lifetime of a deployment. After thinking about this, the reason does make sense considering that these files aren't part of the bundle and it has no way to differentiate if a file with the same name changes in future deploys. The only way for an image to be bundled is to statically import it and pass it to the Next.js Image component. My workaround involves calling require on all images in the images folder and rewriting the path passed into the Image component. I'll definitely write a post about this.

Vercel to Cloudflare Pages

I switched to using Cloudflare Pages for hosting this website. There is no real reason to switch and it was more of a pre-optimization. Cloudflare has a more generous free tier3 compared to Vercel4 but its limits are a little bit harder to gauge since it's not clear what functions hits are considered (are they consumed on build time as well????). The other downside from the switch is that image optimization isn't available on the free tier as well as requiring routes to use the edge runtime5. While there are limitations, the switch was quite easy though and definitely deserves a post in the future on the exact steps I took.

Yarn to Bun

In my previous post on optimizing builds, switching to bun is just a free speed-up to builds. Not only is installing the packages is way easier (and don't require messing with the cache on vercel), the Next.js builds were sped up as well. Another thing I need to write about.

Removing TinaCMS

When I started this blog, I thought it would be to write content via a rich-text editor which was the original reason why I installed TinaCMS. Well it turns out, it's much easier to create content offline and not rely on draft posts to restrict showing the post on the site. Also embedding JSX content don't show up in the preview (since I didn't really hook it up properly) as well as it didn't support all the markdown features I wanted (specifically the footer links). At the moment, writing with a code editor and running dev mode to see changes seems way easier. Maybe in the future, I'll consider another CMS and in my opinion, notion has the best writing experience.

K-Bar to Algolia Docsearch

K-Bar is an npm package that gives an ability to spawn a command menu which can be configured to be a search box for the website. It is less capable (doesn't have fuzzy matching or indexing post content) but it is way easier to configure and don't require external services. I've switched over to Algolia Docsearch which is a free service for technical blog/documentation, and is more capable. It does require an approval process as well as configuring the React component yourself (see my sourcecode). I had to manually configure it since I've removed the pliny package that was originally part of the template.

Prism-Plus to Pretty-Code

I also switched from Prism-Plus to Pretty-Code to render code blocks on the site. Honestly there was no reason to switch, but I think the styling was much easier since there were a lot of built-in themes already :shrug:.


I'm pretty much done with tinkering and now it's time to write content. Some of these changes require its own post since it was fun figuring out workarounds to the limitations as well as giving guidance on how to achieve the same changes. Just to aggregate it, I would need to write a post about:

  • Using velite
  • Bundling images to work around Next.js caching
  • Switching to Cloudflare Pages
  • Benchmarking bun


  1. As of today (05 April 2024), this is the current state of the project. While it does sound hopeful that it will be maintained in the future, I like tinkering and switching libraries :smile:.

  2. Documentation state that the content in the public folder could change but for my blog, each new post requires a new deployment and I'm unlikely to change the files in this folder. I guess it does make sense since these files aren't bundled.

  3. Unlimited Bandwidth in the pages section :eyes:.

  4. Not Unlimited Bandwidth :frowning_face:. Plus they announced a pricing change. I don't even think I would be affected by this lol.

  5. Edge runtime is much less capable than the node runtime offered by Vercel.

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